10 Movie Details Hidden In Subtitles

1. The Final Whisper - Lost In Translation

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Focus Features/Momentum Pictures

And finally, we have a legendary movie scene that's become infamous with fans precisely because they had to go about deciphering it themselves.

Sofia Coppola's fantastic drama Lost In Translation concludes with Bob (Bill Murray) and Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson) saying a bittersweet goodbye to one another, with Bob whispering something inaudible in her ear before they kiss and part company.

Fans have debated the content of Bob's words ever since, and Coppola ensured not to subtitle the dialogue when the movie was released on home video.

In the years following the movie's release, however, a few dedicated fans have put the scene through computer filters in order to try and deduce what Bob was saying, resulting in two popular - and yes, subtitled - interpretations.

The first, and more convincing of the two, has Bob saying, "I have to be leaving, but I won't let that come between us, OK?" The second says, "When [Charlotte's husband] John is waiting on the next business trip, go up to that man, and tell him the truth, OK?"

The former certainly seems more in line with Bob as a character and where the story was going, while the second sounds a tad clunky and unnatural.

Hilariously, though, Coppola couldn't even subtitle the dialogue if she tried, because it was improvised by Bill Murray on the spot. After finding it inaudible during post-production, Coppola actually considered having it dubbed.

In the end, the director preferred ambiguity, and a classic movie moment was born.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.