10 Movie Details Hidden In Subtitles
9. The Bartender Tells Mathilda To Keep Away From The Basterds - Inglourious Basterds
Quentin Tarantino's revisionist war film Inglourious Basterds switches dizzyingly between languages like nobody's business, though mercifully the overwhelming majority of the non-English dialogue is subtitled on the movie's home video release.
But there is one interesting exception, which was bizarrely rectified when the film landed on Netflix. During the unforgettably tense basement bar sequence, the barmaid Mathilda (Anne-Sophie Franck) is invited to join the German soldiers in their card game.
Mathilda declines, only for the bartender Eric (Christian Berkel) to encourage her in German, before whispering to her in French, "You'll be away from the officers." However, this line is only subtitled in the Netflix version of the film.
The implication here is that Eric, unaware of the officers' true identity - the "officers" in this case being the Basterds - believes that young Mathilda will be safer sat with the lowly, regular soldiers, given that the officers would effectively be able to abuse her with impunity.
This subtle character flourish will be lost, however, on anyone who watches the film on Blu-ray.