10 Movie Details Hidden In Subtitles

5. Zombie Subtitles - Return Of The Living Dead

star wars Rey
Orion Pictures

1985 cult classic horror film Return Of The Living Dead is a very special example of this, because in addition to offering the expected English, French, and Spanish subtitles on the Blu-ray, it also features not one but two tracks in "zombie."

The first track is totally basic and simply adds undead calls for "Brains!" throughout the film, but the second track - which is entitled "In Their Own Words: The Zombies Speak" - adds a ton of zombified quips to any scene featuring the creatures.

For example, when the heroes are attacked by a yellow cadaver near the start of the movie, this novel track adds the one-liner, "You guys can kiss my reanimated yellow ass!," and when another zombie loses their arm, they say, "My arm came off. Somebody give me a hand!"

Sure, the one-liners are pretty corny, but this is one of the more amusing attempts to do something different with movie subtitling.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.