10 Movie Details Hidden In Subtitles
5. Zombie Subtitles - Return Of The Living Dead
1985 cult classic horror film Return Of The Living Dead is a very special example of this, because in addition to offering the expected English, French, and Spanish subtitles on the Blu-ray, it also features not one but two tracks in "zombie."
The first track is totally basic and simply adds undead calls for "Brains!" throughout the film, but the second track - which is entitled "In Their Own Words: The Zombies Speak" - adds a ton of zombified quips to any scene featuring the creatures.
For example, when the heroes are attacked by a yellow cadaver near the start of the movie, this novel track adds the one-liner, "You guys can kiss my reanimated yellow ass!," and when another zombie loses their arm, they say, "My arm came off. Somebody give me a hand!"
Sure, the one-liners are pretty corny, but this is one of the more amusing attempts to do something different with movie subtitling.