10 Movie Details You Definitely Missed The First Time

1. The Homage To King Kong Vs. Godzilla (1962) - Godzilla Vs. Kong

Alan Partridge
Warner Bros. & Toho

Godzilla vs. Kong may not be a clever movie, but it sure is a big one, filled with eye-popping imagery which, again, makes it easy to miss the finer details, especially if you watched it at home rather than on the big screen.

During Godzilla and Kong's second throw-down in Hong Kong, Kong makes use of his awesome, glowing battle axe to fend the King of the Monsters off, even trying to shove the damn thing down his throat.

Even hardcore Toho fans might've missed that this is actually a nod to the classic 1962 film King Kong vs. Godzilla, where Kong tries to shove a tree down Godzilla's throat with almost the exact same motion.

In case there was somehow any doubt, director Adam Wingard confirmed in an interview with Collider that the moment was a full-hearted homage to the 59-years-prior scene:

"Yes, absolutely. It was really important to me that we reference the big tree scene. Because I think that's one of the best moments in the whole Showa era, is when Kong rams that tree into Godzilla's mouth. Yeah, that was our version of it. It's not as excessive and hilarious, but it was important that we get that moment in it. We played with it a lot. There's lots of versions where it's more excessive. But yeah, that is absolutely 100% the main homage I wanted to bring to this movie."

Say what you want about Godzilla vs. Kong, but it was clearly a film made with love and reverence for what came before.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.