10 Movie Directors Who Dated Their Stars

6. Peter Bogdanovich And Cybill Shepherd

We're reasonably certain that the Taylor-Johnsons are going to be together for life at this point. It's not unheard of in Hollywood, although the lasting marriages tend to get forgotten amidst the constant stream of divorces and "conscious uncouplings" the LA rags and blogs report with an increasing amount of demented glee. Then there are relationships which burned briefly, but were crazy intense. Of course we're talking about the time when Cybill Shepherd, star of Taxi Driver and Psych, returned home to Memphis in 1978, unhappy with her life and career. There she met local auto parts dealer and nightclub entertainer, David M Ford, whom she married and gave birth to the child of the following year. They divorced in 1982. We're just kidding. Actually we wanna talk about the relationship between Shepherd and Peter Bogdanovich, the auteur director of the sixties who fell for the young actress on the set of his 1970 classic The Last Picture Show, and with whom he grew so obsessed he tried to cast her in each and every project that came his way, regardless of how well suited she was to the role he attempted to shoehorn her into. Which didn't make Bogdanovich's wife of the time very happy, nor Shepherd's then-boyfriend Elvis Presley. It was one of those tempestuous Hollywood couplings that you read about, full of infidelities and drama (including Shepherd going on a date with Jack Nicholson to make Bogdanovich jealous) which ended when Cybill left for Memphis. And then, weirdly, he stopped casting her in his films. Funny that.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/