10 Movie Directors Who Dated Their Stars

4. Steven Spielberg And Kate Capshaw

So hands up, what's everybody's least favourite part of Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom? Wait, no, apart from Short Round. Everybody hates Short Round, obviously. The only thing worse is Data in The Goonies. No, obviously the correct answer is Wilhelmina "Willie" Scott, the film's damsel in distress who Indy nonetheless goes out of his way to try and rescue, despite the fact that she's incredibly shrill, annoying, and Kate Capshaw's performance isn't particularly good. Like, at all. Which seems even more egregious when you consider that over 120 actresses auditioned for the role, including Sharon Stone. Why the heck did Steven Spielberg cast this no-talent nobody in this important role, then? Because he fancied her, dummy. Spielberg's troubles with women (and possible Oedipus complex) are well-detailed in Peter Biskind's somewhat mud raking book Easy Riders, Raging Bulls, but the short version is that his first marriage - to actress Amy Irving - saw him losing some $100 million dollars, thanks to an invalid prenup that was scrawled on a cocktail napkin. Spielberg was probably already falling for Capshaw whilst they filmed Temple Of Doom, for some reason, but didn't marry her until 1991. So far he's avoided topping his record for the third costliest celebrity divorce in Hollywood history, as the couple have four kids (one adopted), and three from previous marriages, and have lived happily ever after. And she hasn't appeared in any more of his films, which is the real blessing.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/