10 Movie Directors Who Dated Their Stars

3. Robert Rodriguez And Rose McGowan

Some directors and actors have pretty romantic stories about how they came together whilst working on a film. Sam Taylor Wood fell for Aaron Johnson when he came in and gave a perfect audition for Nowhere Boy, Peter Bogdanovich loved Cybill Shepherd so much he wanted to work with her on every film, and Alfred Hitchcock personally tortured Tippi Hedren with an animatronic feathered fiend whilst making The Birds and, erm, we went a little off track there. The point we were building to is that not every couple hooks up under such auspicious circumstances, as was the case when Robert Rodriguez and Rose McGowan's eyes met...over the set of Planet Terror, Rodriguez's half of the Grindhouse film which saw his female lead lose a leg to ravenous zombies and have it replaced by a machine gun. Still, Rodriguez has never been one to play by the book. And McGowan used to go out with Marilyn Manson, so her definition of romance probably skews a little darker and more gore-covered than most. A match made in heaven, surely? Rodriguez originally referred to their time together as nothing more than a "dalliance" during the filming of Grindhouse, but since then he attempted to cast her in the lead of a Barbarella remake he was planning - since abandoned - and we got word that the couple had been an official item for a couple of years after all. It's just, we got that word when the news broke that they had split up in October 2008. And then Rodriguez made Sin City 2, so we're assuming he's still in the mourning period to some extent.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/