10 Movie Directors Who Somehow Convinced Themselves They Can Act

9. Shane Black

PredatorPreferred Acting Style: Just Show Up Not the worst actor of all time, but certainly somebody who should stick with what they do best - writing and directing some of the greatest buddy movies in existence. Shane Black somehow landed his first acting role in Predators, where he played Rick Hawkins, the radio guy. How did he fare? Well, all right, I guess, but it's not exactly the most memorable performance ever, which begs the question: what's the point, Shane Black? Fact is, though, Black originally set out to become an actor before he went on to become (at one point) the world's highest paid screenwriter, selling a succession of scripts including Lethal Weapon, The Last Boy Scout, Last Action Hero and The Long Kiss Goodnight (this guy really likes movie titles that begin with the letter "L," huh?). He's appeared as an actor in random small parts over the years, but he's not really an actor, and it does show.
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