10 Movie Endings That Were Profoundly Insulting

4. Next

Next Nicolas Cage Jessica Biel
Paramount Pictures

The "it was all a dream" ending is never satisfying, and though countless films have tried to reinvent such a twist in clever and imaginative ways, it almost always comes off as lazy above all else.

That's certainly the case in Nicolas Cage's 2007 sci-fi vehicle Next, where he plays Cris Johnson, a Vegas magician with the ability to see into the future, who ends up working with the FBI to try and stop a nuclear explosion on U.S. soil.

And in the final moments of the movie, it appears that Cris has managed to use his abilities to both save his new lover Liz Cooper (Jessica Biel) and prevent the explosion. Except...Cris made a mistake, resulting in the bomb going off, killing everyone in L.A.

And at this point, the movie flings the audience back to the movie's mid-way point, where Cris and Liz are laying in bed, revealing that the last 45 minutes of the movie have simply been one of Cris' premonitions.

The final scene has Cris heading off with FBI agent Callie Ferris (Julianne Moore) to stop the nuclear threat for real this time...maybe.

Clearly, this is a case of a script that thought it was far more clever than it actually was, because that ending was nothing more than a cheap cop-out. Speaking of cop-outs...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.