10 Movie Endings With Disturbing Implications You Totally Missed

8. The Narrator In Fight Club Is Finally Free Of All Burdens... And Is Going To Jail For The Rest Of His Life (Fight Club)

20th Century Fox

Fight Club is a movie designed to hurt your brain, but it also clings to a great twist that most of us didn't see coming the first time we watched it. The narrator, Jack (Ed Norton), spends much of the movie interacting with a badass named Tyler Durden, who is played by Brad Pitt.

Durden is everything that Jack wants to be, although it eventually turns out that Jack was Durden all along - he has two split personalities, see, one of which has been making him do awful things under the guise of a group calling themselves "Project Mayhem." One of these "awful" things is rigging huge explosives to a bunch of buildings downtown.

In the movie's iconic final scene, Jack finally rids himself of Durden by shooting himself in the face (hence, the defiant gesture alone is enough to "kill" this other personality). Jack himself survives this, though, and we realise then that he has overcome his anxieties, is able to embrace the woman he loves, Marla, and can finally take control of his life. Then all the rigged buildings explode outside as the pair watch from atop a skyscraper...

But Wait... Finally rid of Tyler, things can only look up for Jack, right? Well, 'less we not forget that Jack still looks like Tyler Durden (the Brad Pitt look was just a projection of from his own mind). And Tyler Durden, as the leader of "Project Mayhem," is one of the most wanted men in the city.

Factor in that Jack/Durden is the one responsible for destroying an entire district with detonated explosives, and, well, this guy is about to be the most wanted terrorist in America. Which means that poor Jack is probably going straight to jail the moment he steps back out into the street. Sure, he could try to make an escape, but how long is that going to last? Don't you think at least one of his Project Mayhem goons is going to dob him in?

The saddest part, of course, is that Jack's romance with Marla - having finally realised itself in the closing moments of the movie - is going to be one extremely brief affair.

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