10 Movie Endings With Disturbing Implications You Totally Missed

7. The Kid Is Going To Lose His New Best Friend/Father Figure In A Matter Of Years (Up)


Up is a Pixar movie about an grumpy old man named Carl, who decides to go on the dream vacation that he and his wife had always planned to go on before she died. Which, somewhat insanely, he decides to achieve by attaching hundreds of balloons to his house and flying to South America (it's fine, it's a kids' movie).

What Carl doesn't realise is that a small boy named Russell has stowed away on board, and the two are pitted into a wacky adventure, over the course of which Carl's relative apathy for the child is transformed into affection. By the movie's end, Russell, whose dad is revealed to have abandoned him, is gifted with a brand new father figure, and this is the bit where you start crying.

But Wait... Well, Carl isn't going to be around for much longer, is he? I mean, he's old. Really old. And going on the notion that the movie tells us he was a little kid in the 1930s, we can probably assume that he was around 80-years-old during the events of Up (some unconfirmed sources put his birth year at 1931).

Take into consideration the stress that such an adventure might have put on the body of a man of this age, and you've got a heart attack waiting to happen. Sure, Carl might have a good few years left in him, but is Russell really going to be able to cope with the loss of this guy? These two will likely remain inseparable for the next few years, until one day the poor kid goes around to find Carl stiff in his armchair. That's unnecessarily descriptive, perhaps, but you get what I mean...

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