10 Movie Endings With Disturbing Implications You Totally Missed

5. Max's Happy Ending Is Completely Undercut By The Deceivingly Positive Song That Plays Him Out (Rushmore)

Buena Vista Pictures

Wes Anderson's Rushmore centres around a precocious, overachieving underachiever named Max Fischer, who falls in love with his teacher and ends up battling Bill Murray for her affections. Max spends much of the movie alienating his few friends, telling lies, and coming up with ill-judged plans to try and seduce a middle-aged woman who doesn't fancy him.

By the time the movie's over, though, Max is on the path to changing his ways, puts on the most amazing play you've ever seen (it's Vietnam War themed), and ends up dancing with the nice nerdy girl who has been pestering him for the whole movie. It's a real character arc, no?

But Wait... As the final scene plays, the song in the background is "Ooh La La" by The Faces. And though this song sounds happy and positive in that "it's the end of the movie and everything turned out okay" kind of way, the lyrics tell otherwise: the song is about how women continually brake the hearts of the men who pine after them, and that the narrator should have listened to his grandfather, who tried to warn of him such things. Which sneakily implies that Max's future might not turn out quite as great as this positively-aligned ending implies.

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