10 Movie Endings With Disturbing Implications You Totally Missed

4. Marty McFly Replaces His Entire Family With Upgraded Counterparts That He's Never Even Met (Back to the Future)

Universal Pictures

Back To The Future tells the brilliant story of a teenager who accidentally goes back in time and accidentally stops his parents from meeting. To ensure his own existence in 1985, he must ensure that they, uh, "consummate" at some point in the future by rekindling their relationship.

Along the way, Marty makes a few accidental changes (one of which results in a complete personality shift for his parents) that change the present when he gets back home. Mainly, his parents aren't the losers we saw in the beginning, but are now rich, confident and still in love.

But Wait... In order to secure this "new," better future, Marty effectively erased the whole of his life and everybody that he knows. He did, in fact, never exist, nor did his family. Sure, there are different versions of these people in the alternate future he's just created, but these aren't people that he technically knows - their personalities are going to be totally different, as if they're strangers.

The old family are dead and gone, unable to exist without the original, unchanged 1955 to back them up. Although this future is certainly more appealing for Marty, there's something strange about erasing your entire family and replacing them with "better" versions - especially if you have to get to know them from scratch.

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