10 Movie Endings Your A**hole Friend Saw Coming From A Mile Away
9. Pretty Woman
This anomaly occurred when an attempt to get rid of your friend for two hours by suggesting a romantic comedy backfiredyour friend almost jumped out of his Apocalypse Now tennis shoes at the chance to shoot a monolith like Pretty Woman down. OF COURSE theyre going to get together at the end, your friend facepalmed while looking at the DVD cover. Its so obvious! All of these movies are the same! Im so sick of seeing My Fair Lady over and over again, as he writhed at every reference to fairy tales between constant reminders that the movie (like My Fair Lady) was based off of The Pygmalion. You can go, you replied. But instead of answering, your friend shouted desperate, undoubtedly attention-seeking exclamations at the TV each time a new character was introducedthe buddy friend, the proper yet cool butler, the insensitive lawyerwhile following each introduction with some variation of, Why didnt they go with the original dark tone of this movies script? Argh! This is so Hollywood! Its also kind of demeaning to women, you said, trying to avoid another explanation. Yeah, that too, I suppose, your friend sighed bitterly. I should write about this stuff in an essay. Someone needs to.