10 Movie Facts You Probably Already Knew Deep Down
6. The Interviews Are With Real Dust Bowl Survivors - Interstellar
At the start of Christopher Nolan's Interstellar, the director establishes that Earth has become arid and inhospitable, with seemingly faux-documentary footage of several elderly people discussing their experiences living through it.
While audiences will probably recognise actress Ellen Burstyn among the faces - who is later revealed to be portraying old Murph - the rest are all total unknowns.
The reason for that? They're not actors at all, but real life survivors of the Great Depression, who are actually speaking about the Dust Bowl catastrophe of the 1930s.
More to the point, Nolan wasn't lucky enough to film this footage himself: he borrowed it - with permission, of course - from legendary documentarian Ken Burns' 2012 docu-series The Dust Bowl.
The fact that none of these interviewees are remotely recognisable is probably enough to tip some viewers off that they're looking at re-appropriated footage from a real-life documentary, but it's cleverly woven into the fabric of the movie regardless.