10 Movie Fates Worse Than Death From 2021

1. Malignant - Being Controlled By Your Conjoined Tumour/Twin

Spiral Saw
Warner Bros. Pictures

That title alone is enough to elicit head-scratches from even the most passionate of horror fanatics. But for those who haven't had the pleasure of taking in James Wans' latest creepy offering, you're in for a disturbing treat with Malignant.

Madison Lake begins the film dreaming about various people, her abusive husband included, being murdered, only for these acts to later reveal themselves as having actually happened in real-life. As the story unfolds it soon becomes clear that Madison's imaginary friend Gabriel, along with being the murderer in question, is actually something far more surreal.

Emily May is revealed as Madison's original birth name, and Gabriel is actually her twin brother who lives within her body as a "teratoma". The aforementioned abusive husband slamming her head into a wall resulted in Gabriel being awoken and now able to possess Madison's frame and commit despicable acts, all while his sister is initially helpless to stop him.

All seems somewhat well as the film ends, with Madison finding the inner strength to finally overcome her internal twin. But wandering around with the knowledge of your brother being literally buried into your skull is enough to warrant more than a few sleepless nights.

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