10 Movie Fates Worse Than Death From 2021

2. Spiral - The Tongue Trap

Spiral Saw

Coming into the latest offering from the world (or should that be "book") of Saw, despite there being talk of the universe being sent down a different route entirely, fans were likely still counting on a boat-load of horrific trap-induced murders.

And, sure enough, Spiral delivered one of the most shocking Saw visuals ever before we'd even got a chance to be turned off our popcorn. After chasing down a thief and ending up down a sewage pipe, Detective Marv Boswick is soon jumped from behind by someone wearing a pig mask. When he wakes, you can imagine his shock when he realises he's been left dangling above a train track... by his damn tongue!

Being given the choice to rip out his licker and live or dangle and die when the train arrives, the sheer torment of the scenario alone makes death look like a day at the funfair. The only thing more agonising than the visual of Boswick squirming as he struggles to decide what route to go down is the sight of him simultaneously being thoroughly splatted and having his tongue ripped from his person to kick-start this Chris Rock-starring rollercoaster.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...