10 Movie Fates Worse Than Death From 2021

9. Army Of The Dead - Having To Kill Your Zombie Dad

Spiral Saw

In a film jam-packed full of unenviable decisions being made by its leading characters, perhaps the most devastating of choices belongs to that of Kate Ward.

With her father, Scott, being forced to kill her mother after she became infected following the Las Vegas outbreak, the entire film sees the two trying to repair their relationship in the wake of that life-altering act. Then, just as the pair attempt to make a daring escape post-heist with Peters and Geeta via helicopter in the closing stages, Scott finds himself being munched on by alpha zombie Zeus.

As the literal dust settles on the crash, with Zeus' head being splattered into pieces by Scott, Kate quickly realises what must be done. She takes in her last few moments with her paps before sending a bullet straight through his head as he crosses over into the land of the undead.

Sure, Kate may have a few pennies in the bank thanks to her father's loving final gift to her on his deathbed, but the reality of having to violently kill her own dad isn't one you'd be in any rush to experience.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...