10 Movie Fates Worse Than Death From 2021

8. Palm Springs - Stuck In An Infinite Time Loop

Spiral Saw

Now technically this flick landed in the U.S. in 2020, but us Brits were forced to wait until April 2021 to watch Andy Samberg be consistently hunted by J.K. Simmons so you better believe it's earned its spot on this list!

Admittedly, the closing stretch of this romantic comedy sci-fi mash-up does see our leading love birds escape from what many would consider a personal hell, but for the majority of the flick this time loop looked destined for life.

Forced to wake up and experience the exact same day over and over again, Nyles had learned to embrace his fate, largely accepting the fact that he'd never experience another day outside of Tala and Abe's wedding reception. Sarah, on the other hand, quickly realises that this is no way to live after being dragged into the loop, likely influenced by the fact that she is being made to wake up and live in the fact that she had slept with her sister Tala's husband-to-be Abe the night before her now-forever morning.

That Nyles is also frequently killed by the aforementioned revenge-seeking Roy also doesn't make for the most peaceful of repeated living experiences, all in all.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...