10 Movie Franchises Hollywood Will Never Let Die

8. Terminator

Batman Gotham
TriStar Pictures

Even though there hasn't been a good Terminator movie since James Cameron's time behind the camera, with over $1.8bn in box office takings there's no chance that Hollywood is going to let such a lucrative cash-cow go to waste.

Never mind the alarming drop in quality from Cameron's game-changing classics to the likes of Salvation and Genisys, new entries in the series consistently earn hundreds of millions of dollars at the box office and based on that fact alone, Hollywood isn't going to give up on Terminator at any point in the near future.

Despite the critical mauling and commercial disappointment that greeted Genisys, to the surprise of nobody yet another installment was announced last year. This one at least marks James Cameron's return to the franchise in a producer/advisory role and has Deadpool's Tim Miller set to direct. For the first time in a long time, there is genuine reason to be quietly excited about a new Terminator movie.

34 years in, and there is no sign of the Terminator franchise riding off into the sunset. Those currently tasked with shepherding the series can't be reasoned with. They don't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop making new installments, ever, until... they stop turning a profit, presumably.

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