10 Movie Franchises That Destroyed Themselves With ONE Decision

4. Going Meta - Gremlins

The Expendables 3 Sylvester Stallone

Unlike most of the franchise-annihilating films on this list, Gremlins: The New Batch is actually a fantastic movie - better than the original in fact.

The problem, however, is that it just wasn't a terribly appealing commercial prospect for mainstream fans of the first, largely ditching its genuinely disturbing horror-tinged tone for a lighter and more surreal satire.

Director Joe Dante ultimately only agreed to return for the sequel because he was both given full creative control and a budget more than four-times that of the original, allowing him to bring every wacky idea he had to fruition.

And Gremlins: The New Batch is basically a live-action cartoon, an hilariously outlandish lampoon of corporate America which amps up the absurdity in every which direction, and proves all the more entertaining as a result.

But it just wasn't what mainstream audiences were expecting after the more sober original, and so they largely left well alone, with the sequel grossing a pathetic $41.5 million worldwide - less than 20% of what Gremlins made.

Though talk of a new sequel or reboot resurfaces every few years, the franchise has currently been in the deep freeze for more than 30 years.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.