10 Movie Franchises That Destroyed Themselves With ONE Decision

2. Going PG-13 - The Expendables

The Expendables 3 Sylvester Stallone

While the first two Expendables films were hardly great works of cinema, they at least delivered the basic goods that audiences craved: cartoonishly brutal, R-rated action led by a cast of revered action stars.

The Expendables 3 inexplicably saw Sylvester Stallone attempting to make the series more appealing to younger audiences, and so had the movie shot for a PG-13 rating.

Unsurprisingly, this left many fans deeply disappointed, that the hardcore violence of the first two films was replaced with mostly bloodless, impact-free death.

This wasn't what fans signed up for when the series started, and so to the shock of few, it was by far the lowest-grossing film of the trilogy.

Stallone initially blamed the under-performance on a leaked copy of the film landing online before release, but it was painfully clear that old-school action fans had little interest in a cynically sanitised threequel.

And so, six years later a fourth film still hasn't materialised, even as Stallone continually insists that it's in development.

With Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger in particular swiftly approaching their mid-70s, just how believable is it that The Expendables 4 will ever come to pass?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.