10 Movie Franchises That Didn't Care About HUGE Plot Holes

6. Indiana Jones Basically Caused The Holocaust - Raiders Of The Lost Ark

Hobbs Shaw Jason Statham Dwayne Johnson
Paramount Pictures

Anyone who's seen that episode of The Big Bang Theory has parroted the "plot hole" that Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) doesn't affect the outcome of Raiders of the Lost Ark, though that massively reductive theory completely ignores the movie's wider context and the role Indy plays in it.

But there is a rather troubling causal fallacy elsewhere in Raiders - Indy blows up the Nazi plane intended to transport the Ark of the Covenant to Berlin for inspection by Hitler, in effect saving the Führer's life.

Due to the plane being destroyed, Belloq (Paul Freeman) decides to test the Ark's might himself, resulting in the film's unforgettable face-melting climax, while ensuring the Ark never finds its way to Hitler.

Imagine an alternate scenario where the Ark is safely transported to Hitler, and upon opening it, he and his high-command are all promptly killed, likely ending World War II before it even got started and years before the Holocaust ever took place.

Now, is it fair to entirely hang millions of deaths around Indy's neck? No, but his actions nevertheless set in motion a chain of events that led to the Holocaust, and by not intervening, he would've most certainly affected a more favourable outcome for humanity as a whole.

If the film actually dealt with this in any way, it wouldn't be considered a plot hole, but given that it's a horrifying truth that's flatly ignored, it's certainly a failing of the script.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.