10 Movie Franchises That Were Destroyed In A Single Moment

9. Jack Sparrow & Elizabeth Swan Get It On - Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Dead Man's ChestPirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest is one of the most convoluted and unnecessarily confusing Disney movies ever made - I don't know why it happened like that, but Hollywood is a strange beast, I guess. So although this movie pretty much ruined the franchise anyway, the one moment that sticks out for me - the one moment where I finally gave over and felt myself thinking "No way, I've had enough" - was when somebody decided it would be a good idea for Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth Swan to share some sort of romantic plotline. As if the movie wasn't already dense enough with incomprehensible plot threads, we get one that "forces" these two into kissing one another, and a suggestion that Elizabeth might even be totally into that. Not only did it clash with the already-established relationships, but it really showed audiences that the makers of this sequel had no real idea what to do with their characters. "Oh, I guess that we should do something with Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth Swan, 'cause... well, Johnny Depp has to kiss somebody in this movie, right?" Wrong. So wrong.

All-round pop culture obsessive.