10 Movie Franchises That Were Destroyed In A Single Moment

4. Alien In A Body Bag - Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Most will say that it was the infamous nuking the fridge incident that derailed what was once a near-perfect film series, what with Indiana Jones surviving an atom-based blast of epic proportions by climbing into a led-lined refrigerator. What we're all forgetting admist the mania that is that scene, though, is that there's a moment at the beginning of Spielberg's Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull that unhinges Indy lore as we know at in a far more drastic sense: with the first 15 minutes of the movie, we get to see a freakin' alien. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the genius of the Indiana Jones series is in its very slight moments of supernatural exposure, all of which- mostly - occur towards the end of the previous three entries. Exposing a supernatural (or "alien," if you will) element so early in the running time showed us that the filmmakers had failed to understand that Indiana Jones works purely on the basis that there's not too much "weird." The fact that Spielberg and company factored in an alien anyway was ridiculous, but wouldn't the movie had been improved had we only seen a UFO taking off at the end instead?

All-round pop culture obsessive.