10 Movie Franchises That Were Destroyed In A Single Moment

5. Surf's Up - Die Another Day

Die Another Day Granted, James Bond movies have always been of varying degrees of quality, but even the "bad" ones still have a few redeeming features, most of which consist of watching an aging Roger Moore trying to fight via means of his diminishing body. Still, no point marked the end of James Bond like the surf sequence in what is probably the worst Bond film to date, Die Another Day. Quite simply, this is the installment that eventually culminated in a lengthy hiatus and full-on reboot of the series. Having produced a movie of this quality, there was no choice. Here, Bond is supposedly being chased by a giant death ray, whilst, uh, surfing on some ice away from a tsunami, which has been created by way of a falling glacier. If that sounds like something you'd be interested in checking out, I hope you're also interested in checking out the most appalling CGI of all time. This is worse than that bit in Escape From L.A. where Snake Plissken surfs alongside a car, because at least that was supposed to be kind of funny. Without a doubt the lowest point in the franchise, and the one moment that rendered Bond temporarily "uncool" until Daniel Craig took over years later.

All-round pop culture obsessive.