10 Movie Guys You Wouldn't Take Home To Meet Your Parents

4. Norman Bates - Psycho

Norman Bates is a character who just keeps you guessing and guessing, you can't figure out if he's a bad guy or an innocent pawn. On the surface, he comes off as a slightly socially awkward, lonely young man. All you know is he's horribly obsessed with his mother, and the less you know about that the better. Every time you see him, you get nervous you cant tell if he€™s just a poor soul or a time bomb waiting to go off. His twitching and sudden mood swings keep the character a completely mystery until the very end. Watching him interact with women is just cringe-worthy. He€™s devastatingly fragile, played with sensitivity by Anthony Perkins. You feel bad for Norman far before you realize exactly how far off the reservation he is. The introduction of a quasi-sexual relationship between Norman and his mother almost guarantees that he could never sustain a normal relationship ever again.Throughout the film Norman often quotes his dead mother, whom he was obviously very close. While Norman may wind up being a fan of your mother€™s it€™s safe to say your mother wouldn€™t be a fan of his.
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Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com