10 Movie Heroes Who Didn’t Know They Were The Villains
8. Llewyn Davis - Inside Llewyn Davis

In the underrated comedy Inside Llewn Davis; we're conditioned to feel sympathy for the title character throughout his endeavors, but on a closer look there's something oddly toxic about him.
As a struggling musician who can't catch a break, we're to believe the world is against him. But from his interactions with other country singers as well as his friends and family, it's clear his stubborn principles are his own downfall.
While those aspects alone don't exactly make him a villain, it's Llewyn's bitterness towards anyone around him with a similar background that makes him an antagonist. He's ungrateful for the opportunities given to him, he's quick to call everyone else around him a sell-out and a fraud, but in the same breath ask for their help when crashing on sofas.
What seals the deal for him is in the final act, when he drunkenly heckles a fellow country singer making her first debut show. Rather than let the singer have their moment, he snidely puts them down to make himself feel better. As someone who rambles on about authenticity, he's not afraid to put others down.
Had the film been told from any other perspective, Llewyn would be someone to loathe throughout.