10 Movie Heroes Who Failed (And Were Saved By Wimps)

1. Marty McFly - Back To The Future

Star Wars Return Of The Jedi
Universal Pictures

What a way to finish: One of cinema's most charming heroes, Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox), being saved by one of cinema's all-time wimpiest, his dad George (Crispin Glover).

After a time-travelling car takes Marty from 1985 back to 1955, he inadvertently makes his then-teenaged mother, Lorraine (Lea Thompson), fall in love with him. Marty realises that he needs to make his parents fall for each other or he'll ruin his own timeline and never be born.

His plan is to make aggressive advances on his own mother (he should also travel to the 1800s and talk to Freud about that) so that George can "rescue" her and she'll fall in love with him. Unfortunately, that plan is derailed by Biff the bully (Thomas F. Wilson) who starts making very real, aggressive advances on her after his cronies abduct Marty.

George appears and the sight of his dream girl in distress is enough for him to put his cowardice aside, he punches Biff in the face, and wins Lorraine over. Marty's existence in the future is secured, all thanks to his gutless dad. Great Scott!

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A tall Australian who is passionate about all things facts and pop culture.