10 Movie Heroes Who Failed (And Were Saved By Wimps)

5. Noah - Noah

Star Wars Return Of The Jedi

Finally, a movie based on a book that wasn't written by J.K. Rowling or Stan Lee. This 2014 epic puts a more violent and gory spin on the tale of Noah's Ark. The result is less Genesis and more Gladiator, replete with Russell Crowe playing the lead role.

Noah builds and sets sail on his ark with his wife, children, and two of every animal. However, Noah isn't aware that the vicious Tubal-Cain (Ray Winstone) has secretly snuck aboard and wants revenge on Noah for excluding him from the ark. Noah's weakling son, Ham (Logan Lerman), knows that Tubal-Cain is there but doesn't tell his dad because he wants revenge on him too. His reason: Noah was being mean.

Tubal-cain later emerges and attempts to kill Noah. Noah loses the fight and is just about to be thrown into the ocean when Ham (the fool who led to this disaster) stabs and kills Tubal-cain. It just shows that even biblical heroes need help from time to time, even if that help comes from wimpy offspring.


A tall Australian who is passionate about all things facts and pop culture.