10 Movie Heroes Who Made Everything Worse

7. Superman - The DC Extended Universe

ghostbusters ray
Warner Bros. Pictures

Where the hell to even begin with the depiction of Superman (Henry Cavill) in the DC Extended Universe?

Though Justice League at least attempted to subtly reinvent the character as more traditionally hopeful and heroic, the Superman seen in both Man of Steel and Batman v Superman is really anything but.

In Man of Steel, some of Supes' decidedly not-heroic actions include: not saving his father (Kevin Costner) from a violent death, making seemingly no effort to avoid an insane amount of property damage in Metropolis while battling Zod (Michael Shannon), and snapping Zod's neck.

He then spent basically the entirety of Batman v Superman being a sad sack mope, committing more excessive displays of force with little regard for the consequences, and crucially failing to hash things out with Batman (Ben Affleck), leading to a fight which could've easily been avoided.

Weakened following his totally unnecessary battle with the Dark Knight then led to Supes' demise at the end of the film and an awkward resurrection where he ended up beating the snot out of the Justice League.

For a character intended to be an emblem of heroism and morality, these actions read like the clumsy behaviours of someone who has no earthly idea what they're doing. Superhero? Liability, more like.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.