10 Movie Heroes You Didn't Realise Probably Died Horrible Deaths

1. The Von Trapps - The Sound Of Music

Natalie Portman Closer

After the discovery of Austria being annexed by the Third Reich, the legendary Von Trapps vow disobedience and plan to flee to Switzerland, using their appearance at the Salzburg Festival to make passage to safety.

With the help of some nuns, they manage to pull off the daring plan under the noses of the Nazis and set off with a song of freedom in their hearts. Thus, the hills are alive with the sound of music and wonder and happiness and all sorts of delights!

But Wait...

Actually, what the hills are alive with is doom. Because the Von Trapps are walking not into neutral, safe Switzerland but Germany. And specifically, Berchtesgaden, where Hitler literally called home. In order to get to the Swiss border in the direction they're headed, you have to walk literally through that hornet's nest.

Surely a map would have been useful?

Also, even if they weren't geographically challenged, the likelihood is that the VOn Trapps would have died of exposure pretty quickly on the perilous trip across the peaks. They look barely well equipped for a casual ramble, let alone an arduous mountaineering trip. In short, they're done for.

And so are the nuns who helped them defy the Nazis, presumably.

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