10 Movie Heroes You Didn't Realise Probably Died Horrible Deaths

2. Nova (Amiah Miller) - War For The Planet Of The Apes

Natalie Portman Closer
20th Century Fox

While our main hero Caesar dies at the end of the Planet Of The Apes sequel, he sets up a bright future for Apes, with the Army and the nefarious Alpha-Omega military group all wiped out after a bloody final battle. When he succumbs to his injuries, it seems that all is well in the world.

There's even a slight hope for humanity as Nova, the mute girl who befriends Caesar and whose kindness leads to the death of Woody Harrelson's villainous Colonel. She's basically the last human left alive. Rejoice!

But Wait...

The apes and their friends might look after Nova because of her relationship with Caesar, but they can't fight against nature and the harsh reality is that a young girl left to fend for herself with creatures with no real experience of her specific needs will not last long.

They could look for what they understand she needs, but Nova is definitely not long for this Earth - particularly when she's so open to disease and infection and so far removed from even the simplest of remedies.

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