10 Movie Jacks You Need In A Crisis

7. Jack Skellington - The Nightmare Before Christmas

Role in the team: The Dreamer In order to defeat a great evil (usually one with better resources than them) any team of action adventurers are going to need their fair share of imagination and creativity. This Jack might be a weirdly intense goth with a slightly disturbing ability to remove his head and recite Shakespearean quotations, but get him enthused by a new subject, as happens when he steps through the door to Christmastown in The Nightmare Before Christmas, and he displays an endless curiosity. His discovery of Christmas is a spur to Jack Skellington creating a huge variety of gothic-festive toys, treats and games. Of course, like any action squad's gadget man, his eclectic and eccentric designs don't always work at their best or appeal to everyone, they are undoubtedly full of imagination. This Jack has the skills to fight a bogeyman, get the girl and inspire the love and loyalty of a whole town of freaks and monsters who would follow him into anything, plus he comes accompanied by his dog - always a popular thing with a member of an action ensemble.

Loves ghost stories, mysteries and giant ape movies