10 Movie Jacks You Need In A Crisis

6. Jack Burton - Big Trouble In Little China

Role in the team: The Fool Not everyone who perceives themselves as a kicking ass and taking names action hero actually is one. Just as often you are likely to see the kind of blowhard who talks the talk, but does not necessarily walk the walk. Enter Big Trouble In Little China's mulleted truck driving muscle man Jack Burton. As he blunders through an attempt to rescue his friend's kidnapped fiancee, Burton proves that a screw-up hero in way over his head in a world of Chinese mysticism is arguably a better watch than a successful one whose self confidence is founded on some kind of actual ability. Of course a fool like Burton adds an element of comic relief to a team like this one, but there is just enough of the real hero in him to help save the day, even if he does spend part of the climactic battle having knocked himself out. At the end of the day his ability to get himself out of as many scrapes as he gets himself into makes Burton a useful Jack to have around, albeit a chaotic one.

Loves ghost stories, mysteries and giant ape movies