3. Tran - Tropic Thunder
Tran doesn't get much screen time in Tropic Thunder, but maybe that's because he would otherwise steal the show. Tran runs a heroin cartel in the Golden Triangle, probably one of the single biggest money-making operations you can be in charge of - save diamonds and investment banking - so already he's made more money than you'll ever earn in your entire life. On top of that, he also has an entire village of militant badasses who are fiercely and unquestionably loyal to him. Not because of any great ideological commitment, either; there's zero mention of him being any kind of long-awaited leader or reborn spiritual figure like you might expect to see in a group with a child leader. No: this kid has a full-torso tattoo, smokes cigars, and fires an RPG like it was a BB gun. Whatever kind of back story Tran has, it's probably unspeakably traumatic and violent, and made of tougher stuff than both you or I could handle.