10 Movie Mentors Who Were Actually Complete Morons

6. Albus Dumbledore -€“ The Harry Potter Films

Warner Bros.

I€™'ve never seen such an ill-suited mentor than Dumbledore. Of course, on the face of it, he seemed like the ideal mentor:€“ immeasurably powerful, brimming with knowledge and even has the middle name Brian, which is surely after Dave pretty much the trademark for unfussy reliable-ness. Yet the problem with J.K. Rowling€™'s books and by extension the films is that if you stick in a character who embodies an deus ex machina, you€™'re automatically opening yourself to criticism.

Why couldn'€™t Dumbledore solve everything? He seems pretty on the ball, and is ultra-powerful to boot. Yet there'€™s always a contrived reason why Dumbledore can€™t help:€“ he'€™s off talking to the Ministry of Magic, he€™'s off on a conference somewhere, he€™'s hitting up Kavos with a combination of magic tricks and wavering moral standards. Yet even that doesn'€™t solve our problems. After all, magic isn'€™t like kickboxing, as your effectiveness doesn'€™t decrease as you age; if anything you get more powerful.

Dumbledore is well over 100 and Voldemort is at least 70, yet they€™'re easily the most potent characters in the Potterverse. This begs the question:€“ why does Dumbledore even need Harry? He€™'s well capable of taking care of business himself, and even possesses an unbeatable duelling wand. Yet he just simply doesn'€™t take care of business. It€™'s not like he€™s busy teaching classes or anything €“ he practically never leaves his office. Why didn€™'t he get off his backside and sort everything out himself, rather than subject Harry to continuously traumatic end-of-year parties and cryptic clues? I guess the answer must be laziness. It sure must be tiring doing three-eighths of nothing.


Durham University graduate and qualified sports journalist. Very good at sitting down and watching things. Can multi-task this with playing computer games. Football Manager addict who has taken Shrewsbury Town to the summit of the Premier League. You can follow me at @Ed_OwenUK, if you like ramblings about Newcastle United and A Place in the Sun. If you don't, I don't know what I can do for you.