10 Movie Mentors Who Were Actually Complete Morons

4. Qui-Gon Jinn €“- Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace


Yes, we€™re back with Neeson. Granted, speaking about Qui-Gon may be like flogging a dead horse, but dammit, he still warrants consideration. It may have escaped your attention that Qui-Gon Jinn accidentally doomed the whole bloody world by indulging a young Anakin Skywalker to almost ridiculous levels, starting by making the whole Jedi order look positively less pious by betting that a 10-year-old wouldn'€™t graphically impale himself on a Tatooine rock mid-pod race.

What if that went wrong? The Jedi would have had a hell of a PR problem. Of course, that€™s just the start of Qui-Gon'€™s idiocy. He€™'s told time and time again that this bowl cut-haired lad will be nothing but trouble, that even Yoda sees all sorts of trouble in his future. Basically, Anakin€™'s future stood on the edge of a knife -€“ he could have done great good or great evil. Now I know we'€™ve got the benefit of hindsight, but if there'€™s a one-in-two shot that you€™'re going to unleash dark forces much larger than anything you'€™ve seen before, then surely it might be prudent to decide to cash out rather than press the issue.

But no, Qui-Gon continues to gamble on the fate of the universe, before committing the coup de grace by getting himself killed so he can€™t even see the return on his €˜investment,€™ who eventually helps massacre the Jedi and kills a whole room of children. Jesus Qui-Gon, you'€™re a bad gambler. Thank God you died when you did, or you might have accidentally given Palpatine the keys to the Universe or something.


Durham University graduate and qualified sports journalist. Very good at sitting down and watching things. Can multi-task this with playing computer games. Football Manager addict who has taken Shrewsbury Town to the summit of the Premier League. You can follow me at @Ed_OwenUK, if you like ramblings about Newcastle United and A Place in the Sun. If you don't, I don't know what I can do for you.