10 Movie Mistakes Left In To Troll You

5. Jamie Lee's Sexy Tumble - True Lies

galaxy quest

James Cameron's True Lies is probably best remembered for the scene in which Harry Tasker's (Arnold Schwarzenegger) wife Helen (Jamie Lee Curtis) performs a striptease for an unknown man who, in fact, turns out to be none other than her hubby himself.

It's a shockingly sexy scene, albeit one that's briefly interrupted by the totally-not-sexy sight of Helen swinging from a bed post and falling over, before quickly resuming her dance.

Hilariously, Helen's fall was actually a mistake, but ever the canny filmmaker, Cameron decided that it added some levity and realism to the scene, and so decided to include it in the final cut.

As brilliantly as it works for the scene and for Helen as a character - who, as a bored housewife-turned-sexy stripper would totally trip over in reality - it nevertheless snaps transfixed viewers out of the sexy dance, which they might not appreciate so much.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.