10 Movie Mistakes Left In To Troll You

3. Demi Moore's Towel Tease - Striptease

galaxy quest
Columbia Pictures

The 1996 Demi Moore-starring "erotic black comedy" Striptease delivers exactly what it says on the tin - numerous scenes of Demi Moore wearing little-to-nothing, and not much else worthwhile.

And though few audience members will be paying attention to basic things like continuity in a movie that exists solely to titillate, there is nevertheless a single editing mistake sure to leave viewers temporarily flustered.

Almost half-way through the movie, protagonist Erin Grant (Moore) is getting dressed following her shower, and after whipping the towel off her head, she moves to put on some blue shorts.

But in the previous shot, Erin was reaching to remove the towel covering her chest, at which point the shot cuts abruptly to Erin's towel now untouched.

This is apparently because, for some reason, the filmmakers didn't want to show Moore topless when she bent over to put on the shorts.

For anyone with their eyes glued to Moore - and let's be honest, why else would you even watch the movie? - she goes from preparing to rip off her towel to, frustratingly, keeping it firmly on.

And though Erin does indeed remove the towel later in the scene, she keeps herself mostly covered up for the rest of it. While it's unlikely this sloppy editing mistake was intended solely to leave viewers frustrated, that was certainly the effect.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.