10 Movie Mistakes That Made Characters Look Like Idiots

8. Katniss Holds Her Bow Wrong - The Hunger Games

Avengers Endgame Black Widow

Watch just about any scene of Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) drawing a bow in any of the Hunger Games movies, and an army of angry archers will emerge to tell you how her technique and the very way she holds the damn thing is totally and utterly wrong.

Now, even accepting that Katniss herself may have basically had to learn things on the fly, Jennifer Lawrence was actually trained by Olympic archer Khatuna Lorig, so it's pretty baffling that her bow chops are so sloppy throughout.

While it's clear that Katniss holds the bow away from her face for cinematic reasons - because the filmmakers wanted Jennifer Lawrence's face fully visible at all times - her technique elsewhere is simply inconsistent with real archery.

Where to begin? Her knuckles are curled around the bowstring, her finger rests on the arrow, and she draws the bowstring past her "anchor point," all of which are big no-nos for even a relatively unaccomplished archer.

This isn't to in any way denigrate the evidently professional training that Lawrence received for the part, but simply that her form may have been tweaked to look more aesthetically pleasing from a cinematic perspective - even if it makes Katniss look like she doesn't fully know what she's doing.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.