10 Movie Mistakes You Won't Believe Made It To Screen

7. Teen Wolf - Cheeky Cheerer

Teen Wolf Extra

When you employ extras, you take your life into your own hands. They'll probably leak set-images or recordings, no matter how many Non-Disclosure Agreements you make them sign, and they'll generally get in the way when you're trying to get your other actors to perform, as the kid in the last choice proved.

The single worst bit of extra behaviour ever unwittingly caught on tape was in classic 80s supernatural comedy Teen Wolf, starring a young, hairy Michael J Fox. At the end of the movie, amidst a jubilant, cheering crowd, the offending character decided it was a good idea to stand up, despite having her pants undone, and then fumble to cover up her modesty - probably when she realised several million future MJF fans were going to discover his dastardly crime online.

Some said it was a male spectator, purposefully exposing himself, but subsequent exploration has uncovered the offender to be a lady fan - so exactly why she had her pants undone on a film set still needs clarification. And how it wasn't picked up in the edit is even more baffling. Naughty girl!

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Jurassic Park
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