10 Movie Moments IMPOSSIBLE To Watch Same Way After This

3. "Confused" Vitruvius Is Actually A Morgan Freeman Outtake - The Lego Movie

Galaxy Quest Sigourney Weaver
Warner Bros.

One of the funniest scenes in The Lego Movie sees Vitruvius (Morgan Freeman) gather a meeting of all the Master Builders, resulting in a fleet of pop-culture cameos ranging from Robin Hood to Gandalf to The Simpsons' Milhouse Van Houten.

After Vitruvius discusses their plan to defeat Lord Business and repeatedly asks Dumbledore how his name is pronounced, he says, "Alright, you gotta write that down because I'm not gonna remember any of it, but here we go!"

As natural as this line might sound, it was actually one of Morgan Freeman's outtakes, as was revealed by writer-directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller on the movie's home video commentary.

As it turns out, Freeman grew a little frustrated with dialogue being changed on-the-fly during recording and asked the filmmakers to write it down for him so he wouldn't forget it.

But the delivery feels so thoroughly in-step with Vitruvius as a character that Lord and Miller found a way to sneak it into the movie without anyone knowing.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.