10 Movie Moments That Literally Made You Want To Puke
10. The Banquet At Pankot - Indiana Jones And The Temple of Doom
I know - at this stage you must be thinking I'm particularly easy to gross-out, given that this second installment in the Indiana Jones franchise is rated a relatively tame PG-13. I'm not quite sure what it is about the banqueting scene at the Pankot Palace which gets to me so much. Maybe it's the eyeball soup. Maybe it's the creepy little monkey head the chilled brains are served in. Maybe it's the fact that I first saw it as a young kid and its grossness has had a lingering affect on me ever since. Either way, it remains gross to this day. The Temple of Doom is generally the most nauseating of the whole Indiana Jones series. Later in the film, we also see the protagonists crawling through an insect-filled cave and a dude who can rip people's hearts straight out of there chests. Luckily Indy has a rather strong stomach, eh?
Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.