10 Movie Moments That Actually Happened To Actors In Real Life

3. Tom Arnold Lost His Ice Cube Trays In His Divorce - True Lies

Blade Runner 2049 Ryan Gosling

Unquestionably one of the most memorable one-liners in James Cameron's True Lies occurs once secret agent Harry Tasker (Arnold Schwarzenegger) believes that his wife Helen (Jamie Lee Curtis) is cheating on him.

Harry's friend and colleague Gib (Tom Arnold) promptly welcomes him to the broken marriage club, before regaling Harry with an hilarious story about his second divorce. He tells Harry:

"I come home one day and the house is empty, and I mean completely empty. She even took the ice cube trays out of the freezer. What kind of a sick b*tch takes the ice cube trays out of the freezer?"

If that story sounds oddly specific, that's because it was contributed to the script by Tom Arnold himself, who was in the midst of a messy divorce from Roseanne Barr during shooting and claims to have had the very same ice cube-related indignity happen to him.

On one hand it's a brilliant gag, and on the other it evidently gave Arnold the floor to stick two fingers up at his soon-to-be-ex-wife on a grand blockbuster stage.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.