10 Movie Moments That Are Far Worse Than Hugh Jackman With Testicles On His Chin
Yes, none of us had thought it possible, but if we trawl back through the annuls of movie history, there are in fact 10 movie moments more vomit-inducingly awful than the sight of Hugh Jackman with a pair of testicles dangling from his chin as he attempts to chat up Kate Winslet while on a date. Though most of us haven't had the misfortune of suffering through the terrible Movie 43, many of us have put ourselves through the 10 cinematic atrocities below, ones which either through their sheer will to disgust us, or through their outright offensiveness, made us feel totally sick. These 10 movie moments were conceived solely to make us feel pain, and in their most extreme cases, make us re-consider film as an "art" form altogether. They may have even caused us to question our faith in God - these 10 movie moments are in every possible meaning of the word...awful...