10 Movie Moments We Waited Years For (That Didn't Live Up To Expectations)
1. Batman Fights Superman - Dawn Of Justice
![Batman V Superman](https://cdn3.whatculture.com/images/2016/10/554e4ff0ec0a7096-600x338.jpg)
Batman versus Superman wasn't just a movie moment we were all waiting patiently and very enthusiastically for. It was a playground conundrum and often a rite of passage since you could determine what sort of personality someone had based on who they'd choose as the victor.
Lines were drawn in the sand well before Warner Bros panic-jumped the shark after Man Of Steel and brought in Batman to deliver some solid gold fan service to boost box office numbers.
But Then...
One word: Martha.
It doesn't matter that some of the fighting is great between the pair or that some interesting ideas play out, because at the end of the day, the fight is unrealistic because Superman is never weakened enough and it ends up all being completely undermined by the frankly ludicrous conceit that ends it.
Which other long-awaited movie moments ended up disappointing you? Share your picks below in the comments thread.