10 Movie Mysteries That Will Likely Never Be Solved

1. What Was In The Briefcase? - Pulp Fiction

In Bruges Colin Farrell
Miramax Films

After an explosive cinematic debut, Quentin Tarantino followed up Reservoir Dogs with arguably his strongest and most iconic movie to date. Pulp Fiction, even almost three decades later, is widely regarded as one of the director's finest-ever outings.

The one central character that connected the different threads throughout the movie was Marsellus Wallace, who sent Jules and Vincent to retrieve his briefcase from Big Brain Brett and co. This was obviously something incredibly important, but the movie resists the temptation of actually revealing what was inside.

The closest audiences got to said reveal was when Vincent looked inside. His face lit up in something of an homage to Kiss Me Deadly, but still, no peek for the camera. To say that this was such an important plot point for the movie, you'd be forgiven for expecting to find out exactly why Wallace was so keen to retrieve the briefcase, but absolutely no closure was given.

Even now, 30 years later, there is still a debate going on as to what was contained inside the case. Was it cash? Was it Marsellus Wallace's soul? At this point, it's fair to say that we will likely never know.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.