10 Movie Mysteries That Will Likely Never Be Solved

6. What Did Bob Say To Charlotte? - Lost In Translation

In Bruges Colin Farrell
Focus Features

There are many cliffhangers that leave the events of the entire movie that came before it in balance. Is it a happy or a sad ending? Did a certain character live or die? Then there is the ending of Lost in Translation, which concludes with a cliffhanger but on a smaller, more intimate note.

At the end of the movie, Bill Murray's Bob sees Scarlett Johansson's Charlotte, pulls his cab over, and goes over to embrace her. It's a quiet, personal moment that sees them kiss for the first time. Bob then whispers something in Charlotte's ear before she smiles, they say goodbye, and go their separate ways.

There have been plenty of theories on what the final line of the movie is, with people even going so far as to play detective and manipulate the sound, but even then results are far from conclusive. Director Sofia Coppola has previously said that the whisper was never intended to be anything, instead just an acknowledgment between the two that their week together meant something.

Ultimately it doesn't matter what was said, and it's something that Coppola will always keep between the two characters.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.