10 Movie Mysteries That Will Likely Never Be Solved

5. Was Marla Singer Real? - Fight Club

In Bruges Colin Farrell
20th Century Fox

Not only can Fight Club boast one of the most iconic lines of cinematic dialogue, as well as Brad Pitt in one of his best-ever roles, David Fincher's film astounded audiences with the twist towards the end.

The fact that Tyler Durden and the Narrator are the same person makes perfect sense when looking back on the film, but it opens the door for another possibility that isn't as set in stone. If Tyler Durden is a figment of Edward Norton's imagination, then what of Marla Singer?

If you take to the internet with such a question, you will be bombarded with a 50/50 split of opinions both for and against her being real. There is no true evidence to confirm that she is, like Durden, an extension of the Narrator's psyche, but similarly, there is nothing concrete to prove 100% that she is real.

There are plenty of theories about Marla and what part of the Narrator's mind and personality she could be the personification of, particularly in comparison to Tyler Durden, but without any confirmation from the movie or anywhere since, these debates will likely rage on for many years to come.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.